This may sound like heresy, because I've run call centers and inside sales departments in my career. But if you're like me, you're tired of telephone solicitation and other unwanted calls. In many cases, you don't know who's calling you before answering because callers have disabled call readout.
Many people, then, refuse to answer calls without a readout on their cell or land line telephone lines, but the calls continue. Quite often, multiple calls from the same person or company flood the same numbers again and again. Trying to obtain information about who's calling is often difficult, if not impossible.
Legitimate telemarketing companies purge their lists of phone numbers registered with the Do Not Call Registry. Not only is this a good business practice, but telemarketing firms and other sellers face significant fines if reported.
Meanwhile, I've been searching for some time to identify unwanted callers, and I finally found one. The service provides the names, addresses, cellular carriers (if mobile), cities, states and additional information about the caller and company.
You can also find names, addresses and other information of long-lost relatives, classmates or business associates, saving you countless hours searching the Internet.
Check out the service here.
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